Intentional Discipleship

Living a Jesus Shaped Life.
The mission of the church is the mission of Jesus. Jesus invites disciples or people to follow him, to worship him, and to live and share a life shaped by him and like his. How we live a Jesus-shaped life will vary, but whatever our calling, we can strive to live out and be transformed by Jesus.

  • We may be called as disciples to tell others about the Christian faith. Proclaiming the Good News of God’s Reign by sharing stories about faithful everyday living in family, work, school, community, church.

  • We may be called as disciples to teach as we gather regularly with others to read scripture, worship, pray, share and learn. Supporting seekers, new believers who are to be baptized or those living in accordance with their baptismal covenant.

  • We may be called as disciples to tend and care for people. Responding to human need with loving service. Caring for the personal spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of others by giving of our time and talents. Protecting the marginalized, especially the poor or those sideline, trivialize, feeling isolate, cut off, shut out or disenfranchise, alienate, estrange, discriminate against and vulnerable.

  • We may be called as disciples to transform unjust structures of society. As a people who repent of our sins and both ask and offer forgiveness, we can pursue reconciliation of broken relationships in personal, communal and social living while advocating for justice and peace, challenging violence of every kind and pursuing peace and reconciliation.

  • We may be called as disciples to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth by living responsibly and creatively on earth and caring for the whole of creation.


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