St. Mary Magdalene
Anglican Church
Playas de Rosarito
KM 47 Primo Tapia
Next to Oxxo

Worship is at the center of life at St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church. The Sunday Gathering is held in person, via live-streaming at Church.Online and available for on-demand viewing on St. Mary’s YouTube Channel. Whether you are a lifelong Episcopalian, from another faith tradition, exploring your faith, or just visiting, you are welcome to join St. Mary’s in worship.
Episcopal / Anglican / Lutherpalian
The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God through Christ, and with each other. We pursue our mission in prayer, worship, and actions that proclaim the gospel. We believe in promoting justice, peace and love in the ministry of all the baptized.
Regardless of age, cultural background, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status, there is a place for you at God’s table. Christ calls us all to live by the two Greatest Commandments; to love the Lord our God with all our hearts and minds and souls, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. On those Commandments we are building up our ministry, sustained by the grace of God, empowered by Christ’s example of service, and sustained by ever nurturing presence of the Holy Spirit among us.
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